I'd love to be writing all these up properly, but I think it's more important at this stage to stay brief, and get something in to bring us up to date. (At least some of this one relates to the calendar month I'm actually typing in - progress indeed!)
Buoyed up by the Little Woolstone trip at Easter, Cath realised we could squeeze in a similar length trip around the Early May Bank Holiday weekend. I was still not up to serious locking, and Cath was sufficiently exhausted from school, (circumstances having caused her to work through twice her normal amount of coursework marking), so the only serious proposal was to go North again, similar to what we had done 2 or 3 weeks previously.
Possibly one of the worst "canal" pub signs ever - do the "artists" never study their subject? (Real narrow-boats never have organ pipes out of their roof)
Busy time
In fact we got a bit further this time, and didn't turn until above Cosgrove lock.
The weather wasn't great, and trying to find pubs that would feed 3 fairly fussy vegetarians, and let us bring a dog in proved tricky. However if the pub has it's own dedicated mooring, the dog can be left settled on board, and easily checked from time to time, then it's problem solved!
My pelvis remained tired and painful, (well, let's be honest, my entire leg did), but by now I was even walking ahead with "Charlie" lock-wheeling, whilst Cath could steer on some stretches.
Cosgrove and return
(4 boating days)
Total Miles: 52.1 , Total Locks: 32
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